
First full-stack coding project -- I was in 7th grade. Created carmax.com replica at a small scale for people to "purchase" cars.

Presentation transcript from May 27 2017 - I was 13.

Hi, I'm Shrikar Lekkala during my time here at BDPA I learned how to code in
HTML, Java, Javascript, and SQL. With constraints to make a computer page that
sells computer parts, I made a page that will show info from all the previous
pages and show your payment options that show extra options from the selected
payment options. Using SQL, Java, Javascript, and HTML my page takes
information from previous pages of the car buying process and let's 
you select your payment option of your choice credit card or PayPal.
Since this is a website I decided not to make cash an option for you
to choose. After you select one of the options you will look down and
see your total amount you will pay with your PayPal or credit card. 
This number is a result of a random number being generated between 150-999
since our group decided not to have each part have a specific value. When you 
select a value for the way you are going to pay your parts off, a new table 
will pop up. That table is a result of an if else statement, basically what
it is is a function that says "if you select PayPal the page will ask you for
your PayPal number, else show table for credit card information. To make sure
you have entered correct information, I put some validations into each text
box that the page recieves. For example if you enter letters into a credit
card number or put an expired date into the expiration date of the card the
page will automatically give you an alert that your information you entered is
invalid or wrong. I also put the max length of the text box for the credit
card #, the expiration date and the security number to 16, 7, and  3 to make
sure the user doesn't put more than that amount of characters in the text field.
This will be the final page for the computer buying process and also the end
of our explanations of our pages, thank you very much for coming to let us
explain what our pages are about and supporting us through this process.